Ampicillin trihydrate …………………………………………………… 100 mg
Colistin sulphate …………………………………………………… 250 000 UI
Dung môi vừa đủ ……………………………………………………………. 1 ml
Special treatment of enteritis, diarrhea, mastitis, metritis, arthritis
For the treatment of gastrointestinal infections, respiratory, genital-urinary and wound infections such as: gatroenteritis, diarhea, pneumonia, mastitis, metritis, arthritis, navel infection on cattle, calf, buffalo, caft, sheep, goat and swine
Average dose (by intramuscular injection): 1ml/ 10kg B.W twice a day at 12 housrs interval for 3 consecitive days.
Shake well before use